BYOB Prelinger

I’m currently involved with curating an event as part of the Flatpack Festival called Bring Your Own Beamer (BYOB) on March 16th at Vivid. BYOB is an event where artists bring the own digital projector and laptop and everyone shows their work at the same time in the same room. It’s the brainchild of Antonio Roberts who was behind bringing GLI.TC/H to Birmingham last year which I helped out with on the day causing us to consider doing more stuff together. In the end I accidentally booked a holiday on the day of BYOB because I’m an idiot but I’m still helping out with the prep.

Part of that is creating GIFs for the event Tumblr. I’ve dabbled in the art of the GIF but Ant’s demands are really stretching me, especially as I have no experience of knowledge of such mystical tools as Blender, Ant’s weapon on choice. I make my animations using a mix of Quicktime Pro (export as image sequence), Photoshop’s Contact Sheet 2 (to make my grids), Giffun (to make the GIFs and a lot of complicated file naming. So if nothing else this will be a good learning curve.

Above is a GIF I made yesterday which I’m actually pleased with. It uses video clips from the Prelinger archive of public information films which are in the public domain (copyright becomes an issue when you’re involved in a proper event thing). It’s more a publicity thing than a work of art, a proof of concept if you like. But I like the aesthetics of it.

If you have your own beamer and would like to take part, please fill out the form on the BYOB Birmingham site.