
Bring Your Own Beamer - Birmingham 2013


Along with my good chum Antonio “hellocatfood” Roberts, who is a well proper artist who has been helping guide me through the crazy world of being a well proper artist, I am running the second Bring Your Own Beamer event in Birmingham at Vivid on Friday 29th November from 7pm. Entry is free and there will be a bar.

BYOB is an event where artists literally bring their own beamers to show their work on any available patches of wall. These are usually digital projectors but anything that throws photons on a wall is welcome.

The loose theme for this BYOB is “33 Revolutions”, the title of Vivid’s programme of 33 events to which this will be the closing party - Revolution 33.

If you’d like to bring a beamer and contribute to the chaos, fill in the form and we’ll get back to you.

Since 2010 there have been over 100 BYOB events across the world, pushing and developing the concept of multiple screenings in one place. We hope to take it even further and encourage people to think hard. Personally I’m thinking about shadow puppets and prisms.

The first BYOB Birmingham was on 16th March 2012 where I screwed up fantastically by telling Fiona was free that weekend so she booked a holiday, leaving Ant to do all the heavy lifting on the day. Suffice to say I’ll be making up for that this year. Here’s video footage of the last one.